Connect with others in the network

Connect with members in the network by using the Activity Feed, participating in Groups, viewing the Agencies and Members pages, attending network discussions, and managing your connections and requests.

There are several ways within your Goose by Q4i to connect with other members.

  • Participate in Groups:
    • Post and reply to discussion posts.
    • View, message, and send Connection Requests to fellow Group members.
    • Subscribe to Groups of interest to receive new activity notifications.

Groups Screenshot

  • Scroll through the Activity Feed to:
    • See a complete timeline of discussion posts and replies.
    • Use the Connect With New Members feature.
    • Share a post.
    • View member activity, such as new Group members and users.
  • Visit the Agencies page to see a listing of other agencies in the network, including main contacts, location, website, and social (i.e., Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.).

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  • Send messages and manage your inbox in Messages.
  • Send messages and Connection Requests to others on the Members page.
  • Manage Connections and Requests under the Connections tab in your Profile.

    Connections tab with Blurred Out Information