How do I convince my sales team they need to participate in marketing activities?

Help your sales team see the value in participating by educating them on the purpose and value of the activity.

Marketing activities are important for any insurance agency and important for your team to participate in, especially your sales team. Here is how to help them see the value and purpose of your agency's marketing activities.

Start with education 

For your sales team to want to participate, they need to see the value in what you are asking them to do. If they do not understand the purpose of marketing, they will not understand the meaning of their tasks.   

Clarify how their participation will make their jobs easier through creating better prepared, educated prospects. Marketing is doing an important job that is going to help them put opportunities in the pipeline. It is in their interest to participate in marketing. 

Make it about them

Effective marketing means that your business' audience becomes more and more knowledgeable about what your company has to offer, how it works, your values—in essence, marketing is an educational tool.  

The more educated your audience is, the more qualified they will be when they approach the decision stage in their journey. When prospects already have a sense of your business, your product, and what it is like to work with you, it builds trust and leads to a natural conclusion for them to take a meeting with you. In effect, conversion rates will rise, and your sales team will have to do less to get them through the door.  

Help them see the bigger picture

Whatever you are asking your sales team to do—whether it is inputting data or participating on social media—help them understand the bigger picture of how their efforts will pay off.