Submit a question to a coach

Submit a question to a coach by navigating to the "Ask a coach button" in the discussion group that pertains to your question and filling out the form.

🗒️ Note: The "Ask a coach" tool is only available for certain engagements.   

Follow these steps to submit a question to a coach:

  • When logged into Goose on any page, navigate to Groups.
  • Click the group that pertains to your question (e.g., Sales group for sales questions).
  • Click Ask a coach in the upper right corner to navigate to the coaching form. 
  •  Fill out the form with your name, email address, and question. Check the appropriate box under “To which Growth Platform Pillar does your question pertain?”  
  • If applicable, upload a file or screenshot for further context.
  • Click Submit.

Ask a Coach Q&A GIF


Expect a response from a coach within 24 hours of submission, or a request for more information, depending on the nature of your question.