Update your password

Update your password within your Account Settings or use the “Forgot password?” feature at growth.q4intel.com to reset your password.

Complete the following steps to update your password.

  • When logged into Goose on any page, hover over your name and profile picture in the upper right corner.
  • Click Account Settings to navigate to your login information. Profile with Blurred Out Information
  • Enter your new password in the Login Information dialogue box. Click Save Changes.

    Account Settings with Blurred Out account email


Complete the following steps if you've forgotten your password.

  • Reset your password from the login page by clicking Forgot password?

    Screenshot 2023-08-15 at 12.27.08 PM
  • Fill in your email address.Screenshot 2023-08-15 at 12.28.36 PM
  • Click Request reset link
  • Check your email for the confirmation link from Q4intelligence.

💡 Tip: Check your junk mail or spam if you don’t see the confirmation email right away.

  • Click the reset link at the bottom of the email.
  • Type in your new password or select Generate Password
  • Click Q4intelligence to log in with your new password.

🗒️ Note: If you're still having trouble accessing your password, contact support.