What are some cybersecurity tips so I can protect my business?

Protect your data and information by training your employees, ensuring your computers and network are secure, backing up your data and information, and controlling access to your data.

Cybersecurity, the process of making sure your technical systems and sensitive information are protected from malicious cyberattacks, is essential. If you do not protect your business, your money, data, and equipment could all be at risk. Information such as your customer lists, business plans, and customer credit card information could be used for malicious purposes.

Common cybersecurity threats

Cybersecurity threats include:

  • Malware (“malicious software,” anything that damages your data/information)
  • Virus (malicious programs that, when executed, can infect computers)
  • Ransomware (software that prevents access to your files unless you pay someone to give you that access back)
  • Spyware (software installed on a computer without someone’s knowledge that steals data and personal information)
  • Phishing (emails sent from supposedly reputable companies in an attempt to gain access to information like credit card numbers and passwords)

What are some cybersecurity tips so you can protect your business?

Train your employees

The items employees use for communication and browsing—messaging channels, emails, and the internet—are all open pathways to a cyberattack. Invest in cybersecurity training for your employees and train them on topics such as:

  • Knowing how to spot phishing emails
  • Using good internet browsing practices
  • Avoiding suspicious links and downloads
  • Enabling authentication tools like multi-factor authentication

Make sure your network and computers are secure

Use firewalls to guard your internet connection, and make sure your internet or WiFi network is secure. For any of your remote employees, have a Virtual Private Network (VPN), so they can connect to your network securely from anywhere. For your computers, ensure you have the latest web browsers, operating systems, security software, and antivirus software, and install updates as soon as they are available.

Back up your data and information

Important data and information could include content documents and spreadsheets, databases, financial records, HR files, and accounts receivable files. Make it a habit to back up your data and information on all your computers and store the copies on external hard drives or in the cloud.

Control access to all data

Keep access to any business technology strictly to those who work in your business and create a mobile device action plan to ensure employees safely access business information from their mobile devices. Give each employee a separate account for each computer and piece of software and require everyone to have a strong password for access. Also, conduct regular audits so you can control who has access and ensure former employees are removed from your systems.