What is the buyer’s journey and how does it impact insurance sales?

The Buyer’s Journey is the process a buyer goes through as they become aware of a problem, consider their options, and make a decision on a solution or solution provider.

Buyers have access to information online they can read and watch on their own. They don’t need a salesperson to give it to them. This access to information puts the buyer in power and relegates the salesperson to a helper in the buying process, also known as the buyer’s journey.

The three stages of the buyer’s journey are:


Many people are looking around for information and may not be aware of issues they have. Buyers in the awareness stage are drawn to content that outlines potential pitfalls or gaps that may exist in their business.

If a person in the awareness stage walked into a retail store, they might say to the salesperson who approaches them, “I’m just browsing!”


As buyers develop recognition of a potential problem they may be experiencing, they start looking around for information on how it could be impacting their organization. They see the problem and get curious about how they can fix it.

If a person in the consideration stage walked into a retail store, they might say, “I have a question.”


Serious buyers are going to continue looking to a decision. They know the problem they have, they know potential solutions, and now they want to choose whom to work with to help them solve the problem.

If a person in the decision stage walked into a retail store, they might say, “Yes, I’m wondering if you can help me?”

Selling organizations (insurance agencies) can influence buyers throughout this journey by acknowledging what their buyers are thinking about and providing them with the information those buyers need to:

  1. help discover or uncover problems in their organization,
  2. evaluate their situation,
  3. and see the selling organization as a good fit to solve the problems.